1.Madhya Pradesh Government Limited Bank Apex Bank Pay given in this post-Computer Programmer, Financial Analyst, Marketing Officer and Internal Auditor (Sr.
Management Grade-II) Pay Scale 42700 -135100/ Per Month
2.Madhya Pradesh Government Limited Bank Apex Bank Pay given in this post-Branch Manager, Branch Inspector, Internal Inspector & Office Superintendent (Middle
Management Grade-I ) Pay Scale 36200 -114800 / per month
3. Madhya Pradesh Government Limited Bank Apex Bank Pay given in this post-Assistant Chief Supervisor, Sub Engineer, Statistical Officer, Accountant, Accountant &
Computer pro.-2 Pay Scale 32800 – 103600/per month
Note–Note- In addition to the pay scale, Dearness Allowance (DA) and other allowances, which increase from time to time, will be given to the employee.